Showing 56 Result(s)

Sugar is the enemy!

“Cholesterol deniers” are like “flat earthers”, do not believe in science. These are the words of professor Louis Leavy, head of nutrition science of Public Health England, whose has launched a vicious attack on what he calls “cholesterol deniers”, those who claim that sugar represents a bigger threat to our hearts and arteries than animal …

What does the Bible say about diets?

Is There a Biblical Basis for Being Vegetarian? In recent years a movement has been growing among Christians to adopt a vegetarian diet. Some have gone so far as to claim that Scripture mandates this type of diet. What does the Bible really say about this issue? What does the bible say about diets? This …

Are humans vegetarians?

First of all, this blog post is about what science says on animal proteins and how the body responds to them. I will not be addressing the ethical side of this question, as my purpose is to focus on the biochemistry and what the body requires to be healthy. So, for the sake of science, …

Vitamin A fights the measles in an unexpected way!

We have known for a while that vitamin A is important for a good immune system and specifically for helping the body fight off the measles virus. Back in the 1970s, Dr. Alfred Sommer, MD, MHS, and colleagues observed that children who were being given vitamin A supplements and those who were not deficient, seemed …

Corn oil is bad!

I was shocked to see this at the store ☹ They were selling huge containers of corn oil. You can see in big letters on the label: Cholesterol free Of course it is, plants do not make cholesterol! Then, you can read at the bottom Heart Healthy. This claim is completely false. Studies from the …

Coffee-mate is toxic

Coffee-mate is a popular creamer that is used by many people. But do you actually know what’s in it? Being that it is a heart attack and cancer promoter, let’s take a closer look! 😊 The website states: “Coffee-mate® liquid and powder products are non-dairy, lactose-free. Coffee-mate® liquid and powder contain sodium caseinate, which is …

The dangers of allergies shots

It is the allergy season. As many as 50 million people – about one in five – have allergies. Allergies are the sixth leading cause of chronic illness among Americans and cost the U.S. economy more than $18 billion annually! One of the ways that medical doctors use to treat allergies is allergy shots. But the …

What to do to handle depression naturally.

About 10% of the population in the US suffers from depression. The feeling of being sad, lonely, or depressed at times can be overwhelming and debilitating if they last for a long period of time. they can keep from leading a normal, active live. People who suffer from depression can experience a variety of symptoms …

Fibromyalgia is caused by a gut imbalance

More than 2,000 years ago Hippocrates famously stated that ‘All Disease Begins in the Gut’. This is also true for chronic pain. Scientists have found a correlation between a disease involving chronic pain and alterations in the gut microbiome. Fibromyalgia affects 2-4 percent of the population and has no known cure according to the medical …

Bone disease is a sugar issue

Bone disease, like osteopenia or osteoporosis, is not a calcium issue. In the medical community, people focus on taking calcium and vitamin D for example to help with bone issues. But this approach is wrong. As a matter of fact, I have never seen someone suffering from osteoporosis and reserve this condition by simply taking …