Showing 6 Result(s)

Why do we get fat?

A new report published in the New England Journal of Medicine predicts that one in two Americans will be obese by 2030, and one in four will be “severely obese.”  This is the article: “Projected U.S. State-Level Prevalence of Adult Obesity and Severe Obesity” And the link: In almost 30 states, the prevalence of obesity will be above 50 percent. No …

Roundup is toxic!

Virtually everyone has some levels of this week killer in their bloodstream. The amount found in our bodies has increased by more than 1200% since the 70s! People do not realize how toxic Roundup is. It is by far the worse pesticide that man has ever created. The reason is that glyphosate is really similar …

Chemtrails are poisoning us!

Scientists now are openly talking about geoengineering. Five years ago this was a conspiracy theory, but now it’s news. If you Google “geoengineering,” you will find lots of articles on this topic. For example, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies recently published an article “Geoengineer the Planet? More Scientists Now Say It Must Be …