Showing 59 Result(s)

Vitamin D is critical for brain protection from environmental toxins

According to a group of Harvard researchers, there are 9 factors that cause or are associated with autism. Here’s an excerpt from the abstract: “A survey of the research literature identified 9 environmental factors for which increased pre-conceptual exposure appears to be associated with increased risk for autism. Five of these factors–mercury, cadmium, nickel, trichloroethylene, …

What to do to help leaky gut naturally

Every disease starts in the gut. Leaky gut is the cause of the rapid increase of a variety of conditions that affect millions of people, such as food allergies, low energy, joint pain, thyroid disease, autoimmune conditions, cancer, obesity, slow metabolism, migraines, among others. What is Leaky Gut Syndrome? Think of the lining of your …

Milk is bad!

I always have a good time when I go grocery shopping 😊 It’s eye-opening to look at labels and packages of the most popular products. The last product that caught my eye was milk. As a matter of fact, Americans are the ones who drink the most milk, followed by the Swedish, who come in …

The hype of intermittent fasting

The hype on intermittent fasting. Does it work? Does it live up to the benefits they claim? Intermittent Fasting is basically just a very general term to describe an eating protocol which relies on modifying the timing of when you consume your food. What it implies is basically that instead of eating your meals spaced …

Sugar is the enemy!

“Cholesterol deniers” are like “flat earthers”, do not believe in science. These are the words of professor Louis Leavy, head of nutrition science of Public Health England, whose has launched a vicious attack on what he calls “cholesterol deniers”, those who claim that sugar represents a bigger threat to our hearts and arteries than animal …

Are humans vegetarians?

First of all, this blog post is about what science says on animal proteins and how the body responds to them. I will not be addressing the ethical side of this question, as my purpose is to focus on the biochemistry and what the body requires to be healthy. So, for the sake of science, …

Vitamin A fights the measles in an unexpected way!

We have known for a while that vitamin A is important for a good immune system and specifically for helping the body fight off the measles virus. Back in the 1970s, Dr. Alfred Sommer, MD, MHS, and colleagues observed that children who were being given vitamin A supplements and those who were not deficient, seemed …

Corn oil is bad!

I was shocked to see this at the store ☹ They were selling huge containers of corn oil. You can see in big letters on the label: Cholesterol free Of course it is, plants do not make cholesterol! Then, you can read at the bottom Heart Healthy. This claim is completely false. Studies from the …

Coffee-mate is toxic

Coffee-mate is a popular creamer that is used by many people. But do you actually know what’s in it? Being that it is a heart attack and cancer promoter, let’s take a closer look! 😊 The website states: “Coffee-mate® liquid and powder products are non-dairy, lactose-free. Coffee-mate® liquid and powder contain sodium caseinate, which is …