Showing 89 Result(s)

Hidden Toxicity of Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Ingredients

The HPV vaccine has a long history of toxicity. More and more research demonstrates the reasons for this. But there is more to the story! 😊 Recent publications originating from Italy, Japan, Australia, Columbia, India, Ireland, Denmark, Mexico, Norway, Sweden, Canada, France, the USA, and the United Kingdom have reported post-HPV vaccination phenomena that share …

Don’t fall for this coronavirus epidemic! The key: Boost your immune system naturally!

Have you ever wondered why they make such a big deal about this coronavirus “epidemic”? Look at this article to find out: “The vaccine market has grown sixfold over the past two decades, worth more than $35 billion today, according to AB Bernstein. The firm said the industry has consolidated to four big players …

More recent cases of failed immunity. But hold on, vaccines are supposed to work!

I just read a few cases of failed immunity, again! 😊 This time the LSU Student Health Center confirmed those 12 cases of mumps Ballard said that all 12 students with mumps had received two MMR vaccinations and “were in compliance with vaccination requirements.” Did you read this? All of them were fully vaccinated… …

Yes, vaccines do contain poisons!

When you think you heard it all, you hear something funnier lol Yeah, apparently, there is no poison and heavy metal in vaccines. 🙂 Let’s go back to basics chemistry. Based on the periodic table, mercury is a heavy metal along with lead, cadmium, titanium, manganese, and several others. By the way, aluminum is not …

The flu shot: the scam of the century!

The Cochrane collaboration has stated over and over: the flu vaccine does not bring any benefit. In other words, there is no point to get it. And we know that the number of deaths caused by the flu is way exaggerated. The CDC’s website traditionally has stated that about thirty-six thousand Americans die from the …