Masks reduce oxygenation of our tissues.

Have you seen this clinical trial?

The description is the following:

“Wearing N95 masks results in hypooxygenemia and hypercapnia which reduce working efficiency and the ability to make correct decision.

Medical staff are at increased risk of getting ‘Severe acute respiratory syndrome'(SARS), and wearing N95 masks is highly recommended by experts worldwide. However, dizziness, headache, and short of breath are commonly experienced by the medical staff wearing N95 masks. The ability to make correct decision may be hampered, too. The purpose of the study was therefore to evaluate the physiological impact of N95 mask on medical staff.”

It is interesting we do not hear much about this from

Prolonged wearing of the surgical mask causes loss of intellect potential and cognitive performance due to a decrease in blood oxygen and subsequent brain hypoxia. Note – some changes may be irreversible.

“Report on surgical mask induced deoxygenation during major


“Seventy percent of the patients showed a reduction in partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2), and 19% developed various degrees of hypoxemia. Wearing an N95 mask significantly reduced the PaO2 level.”

“Wearing N95 masks results in hypooxygenemia and hypercapnia, which reduce working efficiency and the ability to make the correct decision.”

“Medical staff is at increased risk of getting ‘Severe acute respiratory syndrome’ (SARS), and wearing N95 masks is highly recommended by experts worldwide. However, dizziness, headache, and short of breath are commonly experienced by the medical staff wearing N95 masks. The ability to make the correct decision may be hampered, too.”…/7332926_Headaches_and_the_N9…

“Chronic hypoxia-hypercapnia influences cognitive function.”

“Hypercapnia status has been shown to predict mild cognitive impairment

Chronic hypoxia – hypercapnia has been seen as a cause of cognitive impairment…/fu…/10.1164/ajrccm.186.12.1307

Job 27:3

“For as long as life is in me, And the breath of God is in my nostrils”

God bless y’all 😊

Dr. Serge

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